Monday, September 30, 2019

Bad Nutrition

Food is one of the basic needs of man. From the creation of the world through the medieval ages until this period of globalization, this inevitable need has not left the tables. Besides other needs like shelter and clothing, food is one of the elements of survival. Nutrients available for human actions are obtained from food. As a living thing, man performs such functions as movement, respiration, irritability and response to the environment, growth and development, as well as excretion. Energy is needed for these functions. It is obtained from food.Without food, man starves and eventually dies of starvation. Worst still is a deadly death when he is exposed to bad nutrition. The question is: what is nutrition? What constitutes good nutrition? What is the concept of bad nutrition? What difference is there between good and bad nutrition. What are the effects of bad nutrition on the individual and locality where it is prevalent? What factors promote bad nutrition? What steps can be take n to reduce the incidence of bad nutrition? Definition of concepts Nutrition is the process of obtaining nutrients from the food we eat.It is one of the basic functions of man. Nutrient is obtainable from carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water, roughages and fats and oil. Each of this class of food is indispensable and anything that constitutes an imbalance in its proportion will cause bad nutrition. Good nutrition is when one consumes these classes of food in the right quantity; this implies that it is not too much and not too small. It also included balanced diet; this is ensuring that all classes of food are eaten in a meal session.Each class of food has specific role in the individual: carbohydrates are good sources of energy obtainable from rice, sorghum, yam, wheat, grains. Proteins can be of animal or plant source; they are found in meat, fish, egg, and are the precursors of amino acids, the building blocks of life. Proteins provide the framework for growth and de velopment. Fats and oil are also effective energy sources; while vitamins are useful for metabolism, minerals and water help to maintain homeostasis of electrolytes and fluids within the internal milieu of an individual. Taking each class in every meal in the appropriate proportion is good nutrition.On the other hand, bad nutrition is eating too much or too little. Epidemiology This problem is a cosmopolitan problem with a global distribution. Because of the affluence and wealth of developed countries, the challenge is that of consuming too much food. Most people patronize eateries and fast food centers to eat burgers and similar food stuff which do not contain all the classes of food in the right proportion. This leads to an increasing trend in the incidence of eating disorders such as anorexia and obesity with their concomitant psychological and physical ailments.This underscores the fact that bad nutrition is not restricted to any region of the world as it affects all. In view of this, bad nutrition is even a worse problem in less developed and developing nations where food is not readily available. Bad leadership constitutes the top factor here; it promotes corruption and misappropriation of public funds. Money allocated to provision of food is diverted to public pockets and who suffers for this? The citizens of course. They are left with no other option that to manage and service on the little meal they can provide for their family from subsistence farming.Wars and political instability in these nations also constitutes plaques that consume the land, productive forces and will that could have been useful in agriculture. Poverty and illiteracy form inseparable twins that perpetuate their bad nutrition. Besides, bad Nutrition plagues a large number of people in America. It is profound to note that quite a number of people in this country do not know what constitutes good nutrition; they only eat! The combinations of food they consume do not enrich the body with essential nutrients in a way.The age of fast foods, snacks and McDonald burgers have made life apparently ‘easy’ but this ease gradually paves the way for the accompanying effects of bad nutrition. Besides the fact many are not aware of good nutrition, those who know do not actually vigorously encourage its practice. The health education in this aspect of our lives is not sufficient. As a result, the problem persists. Unhealthy Nutrition Unhealthy foods are usually very easy to distinguish from healthy meals. The quantity is either insufficient or excessive. Bad food can be described as anything that produces an excess of nutrients or a shortage.The quality of meal also matters. When we eat the same type of food for a long period, it Is very likely that bad nutrition is in practice because some peculiar nutrients may be absent from what we eat. Food with large amount of fats and oil are not healthy; they are toxic to the blood vessels and promote obesity. Foods wit h copious amounts of carbohydrates, fast food, and sweets need to be avoid or eaten in small amounts. People respond to nutrition and the pressures of society in different ways. Food cannot be divorced from prevailing environmental conditions and social circumstances.While some people are able to adapt properly, others do not. Sometimes, social pressures force people to change their dietary habits especially when they see eating as an escape route from their life’s challenges. Such people end up becoming obese and with poor self-image. Apart from obesity, there are other eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, psychogenic vomiting and eating disorder not otherwise specified. Eating disorders Anorexia is a mental disorder causing the person to uncontrollably lose weight by refusing food. It is common among school girls and female university students.Its prevalence is more in the upper social class than the lower class, and more a problem in the developed nations. F actors that usually promote this include personality traits that drive the individual to look pleasant and fashionable; social belief that thinness is attractive among young ladies. Psychological basis for this disorder is more important: a struggle for control and a sense of identity lead affected individuals to relentlessly pursue thinness by eating too little. As a result, they are thin and weigh less than the standard for age and gender.There could also be other symptoms like depressed mood, social withdrawal and lack of sexual interest. To maintain this shape, they induce vomiting and engage in excessive exercise. On the other hand, Bulimia refers to episodes of uncontrolled excessive eating. The central features here include an irresistible urge to overeat and accompanying extreme measures to control body weight. There is also an overvalued idea concerning self-image and body shape. It is often confused with anorexia because both can occur at the same time. Episodes are usuall y preceded by stress and breaking of self-imposed dietary rules.Overeating relives tension but is soon followed by guilt and disgust. Subsequently the individual induced vomiting. In many cases, there are symptoms of depression but menstrual abnormalities are absent. Obesity constitutes an important disorder: it is a medical condition characterized by excess body fat. When the body mass index is greater than 30kg/square meters, the diagnosis of obesity can be made. At least, 20% of adults in the States will meet this criterion, as the case is in UK. It tends to be aggravated by environmental and social influence that encourage overeating of high calorie foods and lack of exercise.The psychological aspect is not significant, as the case is in anorexia and bulimia. Hazards of bad nutrition Certainly numerous problems can occur because of improper dietary habits. Some of these can be psychological as it is in cases of anorexia and bulimia. This will necessitate mental state and psychia try assessment. These conditions usually also present with disturbances of mood especially depression. They usually require behavior and cognitive therapies because of the devastating effects of the eating disorder may have on the individual.Obesity is closely related to diabetes mellitus as both conditions promote insulin resistance and a state of increased glucose level in the blood. The pancreas is therefore overworked and later ceases to produce insulin. Diabetes is a chronic debilitating disease that affects every organ of the body; it usually presents with neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy as a result of micro vascular disturbance caused by the abnormally elevated plasma glucose level. Patients are predisposed to infections, ulcers and immunosuppression.Bad nutrition also adversely affects the heart and blood vessels. Excessive consumption of foods with fats and oil can cause an elevated level of cholesterol. This leads to formation of atheromatous plaques that thicken a nd block blood vessels. Heart disease occurs when arteries near the heart are blocked by cholesterol. There is also increased level of bad cholesterol in form of low density lipoproteins LDL but an expected reduction in the level of good cholesterol in the form of high density lipoproteins HDL. This is closely related to the onset of high blood pressure-hypertensive diseases.Aggressive health education on what constitutes is a primary prevention strategy. Legislation to stop/reduce sale of ‘bad’ food can also help. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders and the sequelae of bad nutrition is equally important. Reference ? Frances Sizer and Eleanor Whitney. Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies. Thomson and Wadswoth Publishing House. Ninth Edition. ? Good Nutrition. www. revolutionhealth. com/healthy-living/food-nutrition/food-basics/facts ? Breaking Bad Nutrition Habits. www. eating-healthy. org/breaking-your-bad-nutrition-habits

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Labor Negotiations Essay

Many times, the process of collective bargaining agreement (CBA) negotiations is referred to as being â€Å"an art†. Although it is guided by various labor laws and there are multitudes of theories that claim to have established best practices in the field, every negotiation simply has too many unique variables to consider to ever be approached as anything more than an art. Even in the short span in which new negotiations are required to reach an updated contract, too many changing factors on both sides of the table are apt to make the extrapolation of one bargaining scenario to the next inefficient and ineffective. There is no â€Å"one-size-fits all† approach. What worked best in one instance could potentially fail with dire consequences in another. To attempt to define, or even identify a structured component to the process would be futile. People, personalities, economics, demographics, policy and law are not static, nor are needs, wants, concepts, trends or priorities. Deception and intimidation during negotiations is commonplace, and unfortunately sometimes holds more relevancy than fact. For these reasons,  it is important for labor negotiators to be able to anticipate the worst, but hope to ultimately achieve a best case scenario. The final, ratified contract is applied to both parties, and hopefully in the end, it represents what is best for all involved. There are many potential stakeholders depending on the industry, but in the case of the community of Pleasant Ridge, it is the students and that ultimately have the most to lose. This can easily be forgotten when bargaining teams’ self-interests take hold. Deciding on the appropriate bargaining techniques and strategies requires a very well-thought out, careful approach. Whatever approach is used has to take into account the past, current and future needs of both parties, and has to be based on an accurate analysis of external and internal data, as well as political considerations. Successful negotiators must be adaptable and flexible in their thought processes and behaviors, and must be willing to compromise as situational needs dictate. As several different personality types compete and interact, even within the confines of one bargaining team, negotiations can be a very daunting process. All of this is important to keep in mind as we examine and analyze the case of the community of Pleasant Ridge. Bargaining Strategy A bargaining strategy should only be determined once all of the relevant, factual information has been reviewed. That is not to say a strategy cannot be changed depending on circumstances once negotiations begin, but it is useful to set the tone for negotiations and help insure a mutually understood strategic concept among bargaining team members. Recent labor relations practice has moved away from traditional adversarial bargaining, or â€Å"zero-sum† bargaining, and has focused more on interest-based bargaining, or â€Å"win-win† bargaining. According to Cutcher-Gershenfield, â€Å"A close look at the interest-based experiments in labor relations reveals that adversarial institutional patterns have often been rejected in favor of more collaborative, problem-solving techniques without a full appreciation of the underlying reasons for the establishment of the original institutional patterns.† (1996, 323). In theory, winning with interest-based bargaining is presu med to be agreement of the parties to a ratified contract that both can live with (Kearney, 209, 134); not â€Å"winning† in the sense that one party  ultimately prevails over the other on any particular issue. In the case of Pleasant Ridge, there is no single reason to preclude interest-based bargaining as an effective strategy. As the Pleasant Ridge Board of Education (Board) and the Pleasant Ridge Classroom Teachers Association (PRCTA) commence negotiations over a new CBA, it is important to note that both parties are in a relatively good position. From a fiscal standpoint, the school is doing well. Student enrollment is increasing, local property revenues are increasing and State Revenues are expected to increase for the upcoming school year. While none of these items are guaranteed, barring any unexpected national, state or local political catastrophes, short-term projections should remain fairly accurate and consistent. This may place the Board at a slight disadvantage during negotiations when considering ability to pay, especially considering the PRCTA memberships’ apparent adversarial position. It serves to underscore the importance of the Board to sincerely attempt to negotiate a finalized contract during the first steps of the process. In comparing wages, hours and working conditions, the PRC TA is not far off when it is reviewed against comparable teachers’ unions. Even when considering labor markets that are competitive in the long run, however, the over-all analysis should include information about employer attributes because labor markets do not adjust instantaneously (Eberts and Stone, 1985, 274). The consequences of ignoring district-specific information are potentially serious, according to Eberts and Stone (1985, 274). To push an employer into economic oblivion as the result of unrealistic contract demands could have disastrous consequences for all involved. While the memberships’ concerns are very important, they must keep in mind their best interests in finalizing a contract with few to no concessions quickly. It is up to the PRCTA to educate their members on the long term affects their present actions may have. Additionally, in a world of economic uncertainty and increasing demand for education reform, the PRCTA is better suited to act quickly so that public sentiment and political forces have less likelihood of effecting policy change before they have a ratified contract. A ratified contract provides strong protections for union members against ever-changing political forces. Bargaining Position of the Board Labor negotiations can be a strategic nightmare fraught with competing priorities and concerns from every affected player. For the community of Pleasant Ridge, the primary considerations of the Board and the PRCTA during negotiations will predominantly revolve around advancing self-interests, whether they impact external stakeholders or not. That is an almost inherent aspect of the process. Public and political sentiment may or may not be secondarily considered, and will certainly be impacted, but those concerns typically do not guide the negotiations process. Kerchner and Koppich argue in their article, Negotiating What Matters Most: Collective Bargaining and Student Achievement, â€Å"that it is in the public interest for teacher unions and school districts to negotiate student achievement goals even though neither may want to do so.† (2007). While morally laudable, realistically this will most likely never happen outside of the legal environment, and is way beyond the scope of this analysis. Contract length could be the most important protection the Board could achieve. A two year contract would be very beneficial for the Board, because it removes the dangers of making accurate financial projections too far in the future. It would also allow the Board more flexibility in bargaining positions that are tied to economics because they would not be invested in a lengthy contract should political or economic factors significantly change. Aside from a two year contract, the Board should support a 3% raise the first year of the contract, and a 3% raise the second year, conditioned on the promise of the PRCTA memberships’ public support for the upcoming millage. This would get the PRCTA membership very close, if not above, a competitive market salary within their own comparable communities at a relatively quick rate, while bolstering the financial position of the Board to be able to implement future contractual raises should the millage be approved. Additionally, the Board will not incur all of the increased costs of implementing the salary increases all in one year, making it more palatable for the school district in general, while not simultaneously rendering the budget unsustainable. The Board should also support agreement to grant tenure in the 3rd year on the condition of the elimination of the one year wage payout provision. Not only does this achieve comparability within the comparable community context, it serves as a huge future economic win for the Board. In the event layoffs become necessary, the burden of paying out a years’ salary to  any tenured teachers would be an undeniable savings should the school district experience tough economic times. Since decreasing the class size to 25 would increase the number of teachers required, it would be more fiscally responsible for the board to leave this item status quo. The Board could add an amendment allowing for the hiring of teacher’s aides should the classroom population exceed 25, but it shouldn’t be an initial position. If push comes to shove and this single item becomes a deal-breaker, the Board and the PRCTA could revisit the issue at 27 students, as long as an agreement could be achieved with a provision requiring no additional teachers or classroom space.   There is no guarantee that the student population will continue to increase, so agreeing to this item could have unintended financial consequences later. It is never outside the realm of reality that one teacher’s salary could mean the difference between balancing and not balancing the budget. Reasonable Settlement for the Union In determining the reasonableness of a settlement for the PRCTA, several factors should be considered. Typically, wages are at the forefront of union demands, and the fact that the Board is willing to raise salaries to levels above the comparable communities the PRCTA selected should speak volumes. That alone may be enough to achieve ratification. In addition, the PRCTA needs to consider the effects of having an arbitrator decide their fate. If the Board is being reasonable in their proposal, there is no reason to chance the final decisions in the hands of an individual who may or may not agree with position of the PRCTA. The Board has not requested concessions, comparable wages have been offered, and other positions lean toward the comparable communities of the union. In a fact-finding or arbitration scenario, the Board would undoubtedly be able to find comparable communities supporting their position. According to Crawford, final offer arbitration’s distinguishing feature is that it threatens bargainers with a settlement determined by the relative desirability to the arbitrator of their final offers. This creates incentives for bargainers to move their final offers closer to what they think the arbitrator wants, even if they are uncertain of his wishes (1981, 207). In the Pleasant Ridge scenario, the position of the Board is more than reasonable, and should ultimately be accepted as such by the PRCTA, rather than advancing to fact-finding or final offer  arbitration. Fact-Finding â€Å"The consequences of impasse are evident in the amount of private and public resources spent on civil litigation, the costs of labor unrest, the psychic and pecuniary wounds of domestic strife, and in clashes among religious, ethnic and regional groups.† (Babcock, Lowesenstein, 1997, 326) Should the parties reach impasse and the matter be referred to fact-finding, the Fact-Finder should make a recommendation based on the school district’s current and projected future financial position (ability to pay), the current political environment as far as public education policy is concerned, and to a lesser extent, should consider the proposals in comparison to those of comparable communities. In making a settlement recommendation, the Fact-Finder should find the initial position of the Board to be quite consistent with that of the PRCTA, as well as quite generous and reasonable. It is almost certain that a Fact-Finder would agree with the Board’s position on wages and tenure. It is reasonable to think that he or she would agree on tenure, but possibly decrease rather than eliminate the year of salary payout, unless they considered a layoff situation a financial hardship. If the Board could successfully present that as a business case, a Fact-Finder may agree. With regard to class size, a three to five student decrease should not present a significant enough business case to cause the school district to absorb an increase in additional teaching salaries and roll-up costs. A Fact-Finder should support that item as remaining status-quo. Final Offer Arbitration The board would undoubtedly have to go to arbitration to remove the politics of implementing a contract from their hands should the parties not be able to reach a settlement. With two of the board members being labor union members, and three endorsed by the Pleasant Ridge Central Labor Union (PRCLU), not going to arbitration would be political suicide. As demonstrated in previous board elections, two members lost to candidates who were endorsed by the PRCLU, showing the strength that the PRCLU exhibits. Having a neutral party force a contract on both sides would be the only political out the Board members would have. In a final offer settlement package, it is of the utmost importance that both parties consider the most  desirable benefits that could be achieved, and tailor the final offer package around those. Prioritization of issues is significant, as well as is reasonableness. In the final offer package, it would be incumbent on the Board to submit lower contractual wage increases, potentially to 2% each year of a two-year contract, with class size and tenure remaining status quo, with the elimination of the one-year wage payout provision. For the PRCTA, it would be beneficial to package a deal containing a 5 year contract with 2% wage increases for each year of the contract. Considering they really have nothing to lose since concessions aren’t being considered, they should also incorporate the decreased class size of 25 students, and tenure to reflect the 3 year comparable. Even if the arbitrator sides with the Board, the PRCTA hasn’t lost anything besides the one-year payout provision. Likely, that is something that will affect very few of the current members. REFERENCES Babcock, L., & Loewenstein, G. (1997). Explaining bargaining impasse: The role of self-serving biases. Advances in behavioral economics, 326. Crawford, V.P. (1981), Arbitration and Conflict Resolution in Labor-Management Bargaining. The American Economic Review. 71(2). Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Third Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association. 205-210. Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J. (1996). Bargaining Over How to Bargain in Labor-Management Negotiations. Negotiation Journal, 10(4), 323-335. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Eberts, R.W. and Stone, J.A. (1985), Wages, Fringe Benefits, and Working Conditions: An Analysis of Compensating Differentials. Southern Economic Journal. 52(1). 274-280. Kearney, R.C., Labor Relations in the Public Sector, Fourth Edition. CRC Press. 381. Kerchner, C.T. and Koppich, J.E. (2007). Negotiating What Matters Most: Collective Bargaining and Student Achievement. A merican Journal of Education. 113(3). 349-365. Retrieved on March 22, 2014 from Walton, R. E. (1994). Strategic negotiations: A theory of change in labor-management relations. Harvard Business Press.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Atomic Bomb

Atomic Bomb Essay By: ozebra E-mail: emailprotected Was Atomic Bomb Essay Necessary? August 6th, 1945, 70,000 lives were ended in a matter of seconds. The United States had dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Today many argue over whether or not the US should have taken such a drastic measure. Was it entirely necessary that we drop such a devastating weapon? Yes, it was. First, we must look at what was going on at the time the decision was made. The US had been fighting a massive war since 1941. Morale was most likely low, and resources were probably at the same level as morale. However, each side continued to fight, and both were determined to win. Obviously, the best thing that could have possibly happened would have been to bring the war to a quick end, with a minimum of casualties. What would have happened had the A-bomb not been used? The most obvious thing is that the war would have continued. US forces; therefore, would have had to invade the home island of Japan. Imagine the number of casualties that could have occurred if this would have happened! Also, Allied Forces would not only have to fight off the Japanese military, but they would have to defend themselves against the civilians of Japan as well. It was also a fact that the Japanese government had been equipping the commoners with any kind of weapon they could get their hands on. It is true that this could mean a Japanese citizen could have anything from a gun to a spear, but many unsuspecting soldiers might have fallen victim to a surprise spear attack! The number of deaths that would have occurred would have been much greater, and an invasion would have taken a much longer period of time. The Japanese would have continued to fight the US with all of what they had; spears, guns, knives, whatever they could get their hands on, just as long as they continued to fight the enemy. A counter argument for dropping the A bomb is that Japan was so low on resources due to the US blockade and co uld not resist for a long time. Japan obviously was very low on resources, however, Japanese civilians were ready to die with spears in their hands, surely the military would do the same. Besides, the Japanese military did still have some resources to go on. So again I must bring out the fact that Japan could have continued to fight, and they would have. And Im sure anyone can realize what would happen if the war continued; more deaths. It was the atomic bomb that forced Japan to surrender and in turn saved thousands if not millions of lives. I dont believe that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the best places to bomb, due to the high civilian numbers; however, it is still my belief that the Atomic Bomb was necessary to end the war. Also, leaflets and warnings had been issued to the people of those cities warning them of an attack. Some say that the United States should have warned what kind of attack it would have been. This however seems ridiculous to me. It shouldnt matter what kind of warning is given, a threat under such conditions should be taken seriously. I do not believe the second A-Bomb was necessary, it was dropped merely to show the supreme power of US government and warn USSR under Stalins rule. After the first bomb US government should have waited. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th 1945 and the second was dropped on Nagasaki three days later on 9th. READ: Overcoming My Fears Essay The bombs caused a horrible destruction which was never seen before and the radioactive effects have been carried on over generations. I am certain that despite other arguments, the Atomic Bomb was a necessity. Without it, the number of men that would have died on both sides far surpasses that of the number that were killed in the droppings of both Atomic Bombs. Lets face it, the goal of waging war is victory with minimum losses on ones own side, and if possible a minimum amount of losses on the enemys side. .

Friday, September 27, 2019

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Essay Example Unshakable belief: Anxiety and depression are both featured in OCD, and recent research has also pointed out the importance of unshakable belief systems in the development of OCD. O'Dwyer and Marks (2000) give the example of a young man who "Came to believe in a 'power' that could bring him luck if he could retain it within his possession through ritualizing" (O'Dwyer and Marks, 2000. Page 281). Initially, the rituals begin so that the man can keep his 'power'. Soon, however, a second set of rituals develop, in order to ward off evil. O'Dwyer and Marks considered that roughly a third of all OCD patients in a study were delusional. Obsession: Obsession in OCD may take the form of compulsive thoughts and actions, the most well-known being the repetitive washing of hands. These should not be considered normal, everyday thoughts, but intrusive, repetitive and unwelcome thoughts and fears. Strock (1994) gives the example of a woman who was plagued with thoughts about harming her child: "She became terrified to use the kitchen knives of her sewing scissors. She knew she did not want to harm her child. Why did she have these distressing alien thoughts" (Strock, 1994). In OCD, the thoughts themselves can be innocuous, but it is the invasive nature of the thoughts, and the actions which are taken to get rid of them, which mark out OCD. In extreme cases, the OCD may take the form of hoarding, or collecting items, usually in massive quantities. Sufferers with this form of OCD may live in only a small space within their apartment, with the rest given over to the collection. Compulsion: Compulsion is the other half of the obsessional thoughts; such compulsion might include: knocking at a door or chewing food a certain number of times, counting actions, excessive washing rituals, returning to check that the fire is out repetitively, and so on. The important features of these compulsions is that 1) they have to be performed again and again, one action may be repeated until it satisfies the compulsion. Ritual Behavior: The elements of ritual are very important in the diagnosis of Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Rituals such as touching something a specific number of times may seem bizarre or psychotic, but the sufferer is compelled to perform them in order to ward off tragedy. OCD might be seen as a form of magical thinking, where an action is performed in order to protect an unrelated object, or prevent bad things from occurring. Sufferers may

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Growth Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Growth Strategies - Essay Example However, even though it has strong partners, visitations and the numbers of people who come to the museum seem to be low therefore the museum needs to increase the number of visitors it has per annum. In 2007, more than one million people visited the museum but this number can be significantly increased (as well as the revenue generated from the visitors) if there are certain tactics and steps which are undertaken by the museum over time. These ideas are connected with market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. The museum should target adults with the auction of art created by local children of Indianapolis. Silent auctions or even open bidding could be held in which the parents could bid on the art produced by their own children and the proceeds should go to the museum. While all these tactics could be very useful, some seem to have a greater advantage over the other. For example, expanding the marketing budget of the museum would give it greater visibility and certainly create a pull which brings more people to the museum. If their experience is positive, word of mouth itself would encourage more visitors and thus result in free advertising for the non-profit organization. Similarly, having the premier of a historical/action film such as National Treasure or even a popular children’s film could be a significant boost to the museum in terms of visibility and media attention. When it comes to product development, it is unlikely that the museum would be able to easily acquire historical artifacts connected with children in the local region but if it moves to the international circuit, partnerships with other museums would be very beneficial. For example, the museum could borrow ancient toys from other civilizations and create interesting displays about children in ancient times. Stories told to children in Ancient Rome or


GENETIC VARIATION IN B-TYPE NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE PATHWAY AFFECTS BNP LEVEL in the diagnosis of Heart failure - Research Proposal Example To help establish the outcomes, the study will be embedded on extracting DNA samples from 80 patients undergoing elective cardiac catheterization and analyzing with exclusion done on patients with elevated troponin. This will be driven by a detailed data collection including laboratory, standard demographic, catheterization and echocardiographic data. The Genotype will be evaluated at 19 loci on five BNP’s pathway relevant genes (Knowles, Erickson, Guy et al, 2003). To access the incremental influence of the genetic variants, the researcher will employ the Multivariate linear regression of logBNP model adjusted for clinical variables. The proposal will thus try to help properly incorporate the use of NPs to improve the levels of accuracy with respect to decisions made in an emergency setting to curb the missed incidence of diagnostic failures for HF. This will be measured by reduced cases of fatigue, dyspnea, and fluid retention that are all predisposing factors to HF based on cardiac dysfunction hence presenting difficulties in diagnosing HF. The missed incidence are hence strongly correlate to highly significant mortality increases, presenting the need for designing effective diagnostic tools with higher degrees of specification and sensitivity that if employed, can help weed out the increased cases of HF missed diagnose s and particularly, in the busy Heart failure is characterized by its typical but non-specific symptoms like fatigue, dyspnea and fluid retention caused by dysfunction of cardiac which present daunting challenges for diagnosis of HF culminating into increased missed incidence hence higher mortality rates. For this reason, the topic has captured the attention of various researchers to help design effective mechanism and approaches that can be used during diagnosis to detect this catastrophic cardiovascular disease quickly and accurately. For instance, to gauge the potentiality of NPs in augmenting the clinical judgment and/or standard

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

TESLA CASE STUDY Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

TESLA CASE STUDY - Coursework Example Final suggestions have been determined that Tesla can consider attracting prospective customers and gaining a larger market share. Silberglitt, R. & Wong, A., 2009. The Global Technology Revolution China, In-Depth Analyses:Â  Emerging Technology Opportunities for the Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) and the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA). Rand Corporation. 25 Tesla Motors is commonly known as Tesla, which is an automotive company based in California, United States. The company was founded in the year 2003 with the initiative taken by Elon Musk & JB Straubel Musk to provide high quality and comforted car services to the customers. Initially, the company faced a number of problems in terms of dwindling sales and lowered profits. However, the company recovered within time and developed a competitive position by being one of the finest car manufacturers in the US and on a global context (Feller & et. al., 2006). Tesla from its very inception is engaged with manufacturing premium-segment cars, which are associated with providing high level of style and comfort. Tesla has achieved this position owing to the deliverance of high level of customer satisfaction with an increase in the range of premium segment cars in its existing line (Feller & et. al., 2006). Hence, the report aims at focusing on Tesla with the aim of analyzing its internal as well as external environment apart from the strategic analysis of Tesla. The report would also illuminate upon the steps to be taken by Tesla in order to ensure that there exists continuous availability of customers and the company is able to survive and surpass the competition from other car manufacturers. PESTEL analysis is considered as one of the prominent tools, which allows a marketer to gain a comprehensive understanding of various factors such as political and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Email communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Email communication - Term Paper Example Organizations use Email communication for the immediate delivery of information (Calvert 3). Email information is sent and received almost instantly to someone thousand miles away or in the next door. Using Emails helps organizations streamline their external and internal communication networks. It contributes to faster and easier transmission and dissemination of information (Storm 3). Moreover, it also allows for instant and real-time business status updates that are essential for any business to grow and compete effectively. The continuous flow of relevant information through Email communication makes the organizational staffs more efficient and productive as they can respond to any arising issues (Storm 3). Email communication is one of the best methods businesses adopt as a record keeping strategy (Calvert 4). Email messages during communication remain in the inbox for many years unless one deliberately deletes. Similarly, one can filter the inbox messages in relation to dates sent, sender, subject among others within the shortest time possible. It offers virtual record keeping making many organizations adopt it as opposed to traditional methods characterized by papers and other printed documents filed and stored in drawers. Additionally, Email record keeping makes it easy when sharing information with another party since it only requires one to click and forward it to the intended party. Because of this, Email communication brings efficiency in business since it offers many services with just one message. Organizations are using Email communication to save on the cost (Storm 7). Emails are one of the cheapest means of communication an organization can use, internally and externally. Small businesses use the free sign up email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail among others, to enhance their internal and external communications with customers (Storm 7). Moreover, they

Monday, September 23, 2019

Writing problems for high school students Research Paper

Writing problems for high school students - Research Paper Example On top of the list is the anxiety that many students have when the adjustment to college writing is a necessity. According to â€Å"Writing Anxiety†, since many are not accustomed to it, there is the feeling of mild confusion. As expected, when this issue goes unnoticed and unresolved, it leaves the student in an awkward position. This is because many fear asking questions lest they seem daft but it is not the way it ought to be. In order to resolve this, the teachers should explain in details what college-writing entails. Secondly, letting the students understand that it is normal for anxiety to exist where one has never been before is a great help to them. Additionally, anxiety can also be overcome by showing the students their strengths as opposed to highlighting weaknesses. In other words, whenever a student feels inferior because of not understanding the style of college writing, it is vital to show them that there are other strong areas to focus on. Unlike in high school where students would write using any words, college-level writing prohibits usage of some words. Normally, this puts a block in the inexperienced student’s way because formal language has to be used. For instance, in college writing, the use of pronouns is hardly allowed; colloquialism and abbreviation of names are strictly to be avoided.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

An Effective Classroom Teacher Essay Example for Free

An Effective Classroom Teacher Essay I believe that with being a teacher comes great responsibility. A teacher will leave a lasting impression on their pupils, they should be free from any prejudice and treat children as individuals by respecting their backgrounds, religion, disability and race. I am extremely concerned about becoming an effective teacher and many factors contribute to this. This essay will highlight my areas of concern and how my initial thoughts have developed during my placement. My areas of concern include planning and executing enjoyable lessons. They also include the strategies I observed the teacher using to mange behaviour in the classroom which is essential for the smooth flow of the day. Confidence is a factor which I feel improves every time you teach, and if lessons are well planned and subject knowledge is secure a teacher would automatically begin to feel confident. I am also concerned about classroom organisation and the implementation of routines. I observed many examples of set routines which the school follow, this is the responsibility of the teacher to enforce and then keep consistent. These are all attributes or responsibilities of an effective teacher and this essay will explore them and discuss possible ways of improving or developing them. I have also included my experience regarding assessment and the importance of identifying strengths and weaknesses to become an effective teacher. Finally, I have included some experiences of my university education which has helped me to identify my areas for concern. I feel that being an effective teacher should involve valuing, gaining and giving respect to the children. I was concerned how this could be achieved. I saw fantastic examples on my school placement which I hope to adopt myself. Every morning the teacher would give the children time to settle on the carpet and instead of talking amongst each other, they would in turn talk to the teacher and the rest of the class, often about issues which were concerning them or something exciting that happened over the weekend. The teacher made sure every child had a chance to talk no matter how trivial. She showed genuine interest in them and never let them feel insignificant. I really admired the teacher for this. I initially thought it was just a nice way to start the morning however, after thinking about it so many strategies are involved and learning taking place. The children develop confidence in talking in front of the class; they are sharing their thoughts and feelings, and learning how to express themselves. The bond of trust is being formed between pupil and teacher. Finally, it is good strategy for managing behaviour. Children learn to listen to each other and they also learn patience and turn-taking. The most effective teachers frequently involved the whole class in discussion and were skilled at doing this, which was not necessarily whole-class teaching as such. (Dean, J. (2001) p.39)Â  Therefore I feel that it is extremely important to value a child despite race, gender, religion or disability. And to truly show an interest in them and respect their thoughts and beliefs. I feel that I established a good relationship with the children and they felt comfortable around me. This is where I felt I was effective in my teaching. All this contributes to being an effective teacher. Mortimore et al. (1988) found that effective teachers gave rewards rather than punishments, as punishments had a negative effect on learning. I observed a great deal of this on my school placement which I quickly adopted. Unwanted behaviour was often ignored until absolutely necessary, whereas good behaviour was praised quickly and an example made of it to the rest of the class. This practise worked, I saw the class react quickly try and act the same way to please the teacher and me as a student teacher. I feel that an effective teacher should have implemented a classroom routine and then to keep it consistent. An arrangement of getting things out and putting away can be made with children. All the children can be given a responsibility of taking care of a small area of the classroom. Places for resources, books etc should have a permanent place and be clearly labelled to enable the children to tidy up efficiently. I also noticed that the class teacher had seated the children in rows on specific places on the carpet. Bennet and Blunder (1983) found that children got more work done when sat in rows. I found that this is an effective classroom management strategy. There are no arguments of sitting next to friends or lack of space. The children know where they sit and with one glance, the teacher can see who is missing and spot ant disruptions. The children were seated on the table in groups according to ability. Independent work was often completed on the tables, however, the child were always given the chance to discuss ideas with each other before asking the teacher for help.

Friday, September 20, 2019

John Rawls Theory of Justice Summary

John Rawls Theory of Justice Summary A Theory of Justice (1971), by John Rawls, is one of the most influential works in moral and political philosophy written in the twentieth century, according to Samuel Freeman in the Collected Papers of John Rawls (1999). A Theory of Justice is Rawlss attempt to formulate a philosophy of justice and a theoretical program for establishing political structures designed to preserve social justice and individual liberty. Rawls writes in reaction to the then predominant theory of utilitarianism, which posits that justice is defined by that which provides the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Rawls proposes a theoretical person who, shrouded in a veil of ignorance, must design a just society without foreknowledge of his or her own status in that society. Rawls asserts that from this objective vantage point, which he calls the original position, the individual will choose a system of justice that adequately provides for those positioned on the lowest rungs of society. The ind ividual will do so because he or she may end up in such a disadvantaged position and will want to be adequately provided for. Rawls draws from earlier theories of political philosophy that posit a social contract by which individuals implicitly agree to the terms on which they are governed in any society. Rawls concludes that such a social contract, formulated from the perspective of the original position, will guarantee a just society without sacrificing the happiness or liberty of any one individual. Rawls addresses issues of liberty, social equality, democracy, and the conflict of interests between the individual and society. A Theory of Justice Summary: Justice as Fairness In A Theory of Justice, Rawls begins with the statement that, Justice is the first virtue of social institution, meaning that a good society is one structured according to principals of justice. Rawls asserts that existing theories of justice, developed in the field of philosophy, are not adequate: My guiding aim is to work out A Theory of Justice that is a viable alternative to these doctrines which have long dominated our philosophical tradition. He calls his theory-aimed at formulating a conception of the basic structure of society in accordance with social justice-justice as fairness. Rawls sets forth to determine the essential principles of justice on which a good society may be based. He explains the importance of principles of justice for two key purposes: first, to provide a way of assigning rights and duties in the basic institutions of society; and secondly, to define the appropriate distribution of the benefits and burdens of society. He observes that, by his definition, well-ordered societies are rare due to the fact that what is just and unjust is usually in dispute. He further notes that a well-ordered and perfectly just society must be formulated in a way that addresses the problems of efficiency, coordination, and stability. Critique of Utilitarianism A brief synopsis from Wikipedia: In A Theory of Justice, Rawls argues for a principled reconciliation of liberty and equality. Central to this effort is an account of the circumstances of justice (inspired by David Hume), and a fair choice situation (closer in spirit to Immanuel Kant) for parties facing such circumstances. Principles of justice are sought to guide the conduct of the parties. These parties face moderate scarcity, and they are neither naturally altruistic nor purely egoistic: they have ends which they seek to advance, but desire to advance them through cooperation with others on mutually acceptable terms. Rawls offers a model of a fair choice situation (the original position with its veil of ignorance) within which parties would hypothetically choose mutually acceptable principles of justice. Under such constraints, Rawls believes that parties would find his favored principles of justice to be especially attractive, winning out over varied alternatives, including utilitarian and libertarian accounts. In 1974, Rawls colleague at Harvard, Robert Nozick, published a defense of libertarian justice, Anarchy, State, and Utopia.[3] Because it is, in part, a reaction to A Theory of Justice, the two books are now often read together. Another Harvard colleague, Michael Walzer, wrote a defence of communitarian political philosophy, Spheres of Justice,[4] as a result of a seminar he co-taught with Nozick. In a related line of criticism, Michael Sandel (also a Harvard colleague) wrote Liberalism and the Limits of Justice,[5] which took Rawls to task for asking us to think about justice while divorcing ourselves from the very values and aspirations that define us. Sandels line of argument in part draws on critiques of Rawls advanced by both Charles Taylor and Alasdair MacIntyre who argue for the importance that moral ontologies have on ethical arguments.[6] Robert Paul Wolff wrote Understanding Rawls: A Critique and Reconstruction of A Theory of Justice[7] immediately following the publication of A Theory of Justice, which criticized Rawls from a roughly Marxist perspective. Wolff argues in this work that Rawls theory is an apology for the status quo insofar as it constructs justice from existing practice and forecloses the possibility that there may be problems of injustice embedded in capitalist social relations, private property or the market economy. Feminist critics of Rawls, such as Susan Moller Okin,[8] largely focused on the extent to which Rawls theory could account for (if at all) injustices and hierarchies embedded in familial relations. Rawls argued that justice ought only to apply to the basic structure of society. Feminists, rallying around the theme of the personal is political, took Rawls to task for failing to account for injustices found in patriarchal social relations and the gendered division of labor, especially in the household. The assumptions of the original position, and in particular, the use of maximin reasoning, have also been criticized (most notably by Kenneth Arrow[9] and John Harsanyi),[10] with the implication either that Rawls designed the original position to derive the two principles, or that an original position more faithful to its initial purpose would not lead to his favored principles. In reply Rawls has emphasized the role of the original position as a device of representation for making sense of the idea of a fair choice situation for free and equal citizens.[11] Rawls has also emphasized the relatively modest role that maximin plays in his argument: it is a useful heuristic rule of thumb given the curious features of choice behind the veil of ignorance.[12] Some egalitarian critics have raised concerns over Rawls emphasis on primary social goods. For instance, Amartya Sen has argued that we should attend not only to the distribution of primary goods, but also how effectively people are able to use those goods to pursue their ends.[13] In a related vein, Norman Daniels has wondered why healthcare shouldnt be treated as a primary good,[14] and some of his subsequent work has addressed this question, arguing for a right to health care within a broadly Rawlsian framework.[15] Philosopher Allan Bloom, a student of Leo Strauss, criticized Rawls for failing to account for the existence of natural right in his theory of justice, and wrote that Rawls absolutizes social union as the ultimate goal which would conventionalize everything into artifice.[16] Recent criticisms of Rawls theory have come from the philosopher G.A. Cohen. Cohens series of influential papers culminated first in his book, If Youre An Egalitarian, How Come Youre So Rich?[17] and then in his later work, Rescuing Justice and Equality. Cohens criticisms are leveled against Rawls avowal of inequality under the difference principle, against his application of the principle only to social institutions, and against Rawlsian fetishism with primary goods (again, the metric which Rawls chooses as his currency of equality). Philosopher and Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen, a former student of Rawls, critiques and attempts to revitalize A Theory of Justice in his 2009 book The Idea of Justice. He defends the basic notion of justice as fairness but attacks the notion that the two principles of justice emerging from the Original position are necessary. Sen claims that there are multiple possible outcomes of the reflective equilibrium behind the veil of ignorance. A Theory of Justice (1971), by John Rawls, is one of the most influential works in moral and political philosophy written in the twentieth century, according to Samuel Freeman in the Collected Papers of John Rawls (1999). A Theory of Justice is Rawlss attempt to formulate a philosophy of justice and a theoretical program for establishing political structures designed to preserve social justice and individual liberty. Rawls writes in reaction to the then predominant theory of utilitarianism, which posits that justice is defined by that which provides the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Rawls proposes a theoretical person who, shrouded in a veil of ignorance, must design a just society without foreknowledge of his or her own status in that society. Rawls asserts that from this objective vantage point, which he calls the original position, the individual will choose a system of justice that adequately provides for those positioned on the lowest rungs of society. The individual will do so because he or she may end up in such a disadvantaged position and will want to be adequately provided for. Rawls draws from earlier theories of political philosophy that posit a social contract by which individuals implicitly agree to the terms on which they are governed in any society. Rawls concludes that such a social contract, formulated from the perspective of the original position, will guarantee a just society without sacrificing the happiness or liberty of any one individual. Rawls addresses issues of liberty, social equality, democracy, and the conflict of interests between the individual and society. A Theory of Justice Summary Justice as Fairness In A Theory of Justice, Rawls begins with the statement that, Justice is the first virtue of social institution, meaning that a good society is one structured according to principals of justice. Rawls asserts that existing theories of justice, developed in the field of philosophy, are not adequate: My guiding aim is to work out A Theory of Justice that is a viable alternative to these doctrines which have long dominated our philosophical tradition. He calls his theory-aimed at formulating a conception of the basic structure of society in accordance with social justice-justice as fairness. Rawls sets forth to determine the essential principles of justice on which a good society may be based. He explains the importance of principles of justice for two key purposes: first, to provide a way of assigning rights and duties in the basic institutions of society; and secondly, to define the appropriate distribution of the benefits and burdens of society. He observes that, by his definition, well-ordered societies are rare due to the fact that what is just and unjust is usually in dispute. He further notes that a well-ordered and perfectly just society must be formulated in a way that addresses the problems of efficiency, coordination, and stability. Critique of Utilitarianism Throughout the twentieth century, the dominant philosophical theory of justice in Western philosophy was utilitarianism. Utilitarianism was first developed in the nineteenth century by the great utilitarians, whom Rawls lists as David Hume, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, and John Stuart Mill. Utilitarianism essentially posits that a just society is one based on achieving the greatest good, or happiness, for the greatest number of people. However, many theorists have found this principle ultimately unsatisfactory because it implies that the  » Complete A Theory of Justice Summary I fondly recall arguing about Rawls theories in John Singers Values and Institutions class at Colgate, so it was interesting to finally try reading it.   It turns out, the revolution that Rawls created was based on a simple but totally specious change in the assumptions about human nature, and upon this rotten foundation he built up a shaky edifice to justify Liberal yearnings.   The book is reminiscent of a treatise by a Medieval scientist, working out the elaborate orbital patterns that planets would require if the Universe actually were geocentric. In order to accomplish his revolution, Rawls posited a counterintuitive and antihistorical starting point for the discussion of political theory. The great political philosophers, Hobbes, Locke, etc., had used the state of nature as the starting point for their theories.   In this state of nature, men were assumed to be completely self-centered and dedicated only to their own interests, with the result that life was nasty, brutish and short and only the strongest survived.   But gradually men tired of this blood sport and entered into a social contract wherein they surrendered some personal sovereignty to a central governing entity, which, in whatever form, would enforce a set of impartial laws in order to protect men from one another.   This is a pretty minimalist position, the social contract and the government that it creates serve only to provide a certain level of physical security, leaving men free to pursue their own fortunes and taking no interest in the degree to which they succeed.   But it conforms with our intuitive understanding of human nature, our observations of our fellow man and, most importantly, it has proven a workable basis for understanding politics for some 300 years. The essential change that Rawls made was to replace the State of Nature with his Original Position, wherein, when it came time for primordial man to enter into a social contract, because he would be ignorant of his own capacities (the veil of ignorance), he would pursue a low risk strategy and choose a social contract based on egalitarianism; he would seek the most equal distribution of wealth and power possible, just in case it turned out that he was the least fit of the species. If Rawls is right, if men acted on the assumption that they would be one of the ones left behind once the race of life begins, then the rest of his theory might be worth examining.   But, of course, this assumption runs counter to everything we understand about ourselves and our fellow human beings.   It is a fuzzy headed liberals view of the appropriate strategy for lifes losersmake political decisions on the basis of the likelihood that you are a loser and need help.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   But look around a casino or a Lottery Ticket line and you will see that the losers think that they too are winners.   Look at polls about taxation levels and you find that the lower class does not want the upper class taxed too heavily, because they assume that they, or their children, are headed for that bracket eventually.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   It turns out that people act very much as the great philosophers expected them to; they act out of naked self interest and the belief that t hey are capable and deserve whatever they can achieve.   The justice that men seek is in fact little more than an impartial application of a set of laws that are fair to all, not an equal distribution of goods and power, which would necessarily impinge on the freedom of all. Rawls great error is to try to base his theory on a generalized yearning for happiness.   Rawls was seeking a positive definition of Mans aspiration in the original position, but the inevitable result, because we will all define happiness differently, is to create a foundational quagmire for his theories.   After all, you may define happiness as having a lot of stuff, but I may define it as spiritual enlightenment.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   The classic understanding, basing the social contract on the avoidance of death, is obviously universal, we are all agreed that our own deaths are to be avoided, and, therefore, more sound.   . Finding the basic supposition that props up Rawls whole theory to be fundamentally incorrect, it behooves us little to examine the superstructure he seeks to construct upon this error.   Suffice it to say, no system of government has ever achieved a more equal distribution of wealth and power than has the American Constitutional Republic and it is based on the classic understanding of human nature found in Hobbes and Locke.   Nuff said. (Reviewed:) John Rawls is perhaps the most significant intellectual in philosophical ethics to have written in the past hundred years. It is nearly impossible to address ethics in contemporary philosophy without saying something about John Rawls. Central to his theory of justice are the concepts of fairness and equality from behind what he terms a veil of ignorance. Rawlss veil of ignorance is a component of the way people can construct society. He refers to an original position in which a person is attempting to determine a fair arrangement for society without any preconceived notions or prejudices. In this original position, people are behind what Rawls calls a Veil of Ignorance and do not know where they will fall in the social hierarchy in terms of race, class, sex, disability, and other relevant factors. Rawls is a Kantian liberal in that he believes that principles of justice should be universalizable, and so the only way to ensure that people will select fair principles of justice is to be certain that they do not know how the principles they select might affect them as individuals. A person behind the veil of ignorance does not know which side of a social contract he or she will be on, does not know his or her race, class, sex, or status in society. A person who does not know what privileges he or she will be born with (or without ) is, in Rawls view, more likely to construct a society that does not arbitrarily assign privilege based on characteristics that should have no bearing on what people get. Rawls believes that a society cannot be just without fairness and equalit y and believes this veil of ignorance both reveals the biases of In A Theory of Justice, Rawls attempts to make a rational study of social ethics by using reason to determine what a just society should look like and how a rational group of people would organize themselves. One major  topic of interest that Rawls presents is the veil of ignorance concept and its role in the creation of original position. Two further concepts of importance to the theory of a just society are the difference principle and the concept of individual liberty in society. Together, these three concepts provide a basis for the discussion and critique of Rawls theory and its implications for the pursuance of justice. Current society and can help to prevent biases in establishing future social arrangements. Rawls method to justice as a theory proposes that principles of justice can be determined through the rational thinking of individuals shrouded by a veil of ignorance. In a purely hypothetical situation, the veil of ignorance creates an original position of equality in which persons under the veil have no knowledge of status, position in society, personal wealth or natural abilities. From behind the veil of ignorance, a rational, objective and disinterested group of people would choose a system of justice that ensures an equal distribution of rights and duties. The term reflective equilibrium was coined by John Rawls and popularized in his celebrated A Theory of Justice as a method for arriving at the content of the principles of justice. Abstract John Rawls Theory of Justice (1971) is the single most important philosophical work of the Left since Marx. Rawls A Theory of Justice can be understood as two theories addressing two different subjects. The split can also be seen textually. The first half of the book deals almost exclusively with the hypothetical theory of justice founded in the original position. The second half of the book addresses how actual institutions should operate given the findings of the initial theory. There are many instances, such as Rawls distinction between fair and formal equal opportunity, where Rawls claims that the purely speculative arguments of his theory can justify his claims concerning actual situations. However, as Sher argues, it is not necessarily the case that Rawls can make the connection. Rawls hypothetical theory can operate on its own. Rawls theory of just institutions is a stronger argument if he does not try and connect the two theories. The problem of desert is one example of how R awls theory of justice as fairness should be read as two theories. Rawls offers a theory of a just and well-ordered society which would distribute wealth, income, liberties, opportunities and positions of authority. He considers justice as fairness as a political -moral conception of justice. The principles of justice are two according to Ralws and these would justify a given body of social, moral and political ideas since they are congruent to our ferments convictions. Utilitarianism was first developed in the nineteenth century by the great utilitarians. Utilitarianism essentially posits that a just society is one based on achieving the greatest good, or happiness, for the greatest number of people. However, Rawls rejects Utilitarianism, for it fails to take into consideration, the distinction that exists between individuals. Since it aims at the greatest happiness and tries to maximize greatest welfare, it fails to secure individual rights. Rawls relies on the social contract tradition in its Kantian form to account for principles that would guide individuals noumenal selves, secure equal basic liberties to all and account for social values and community. In A Theory of Justice, Rawls begins with the statement that, Justice is the first virtue of social institution, meaning that a good society is one structured according to principals of justice. . Rawls asserts that existing theories of justice, developed in the field of philosophy, are not adequate: My guiding aim is to work out A Theory of Justice that is a viable alternative to these doctrines which have long dominated our philosophical tradition. He calls his theory-aimed at formulating a conception of the basic structure of society in accordance with social justice-justice as fairness. He claims that justice as fairness provides a practical political procedure, which satisfies the demand of modern democracies societies. Pluralism entailed by industrial societies is presumed to be the permanent features of modern democracies, which challenges the priority of philosophy over democracy. However, Rawls theory has received large scale attention by some well-known Academicians. Some of them have disagreed and challenged its basic assumptions. These critical appraisals, but, indicate the importance of his work if one wants to deliberate on problems of contemporary social and political theory. In this thesis will try to excavate the philosophical understanding of the Rawlsian theory of justice and also try to identify the philosophical shift in his position under the light of some of major critiques.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Effects on Politics at home The Vietnam War brought complete turmoil to the American society. It all started when President Harry Truman wanted to stop the spread of communism in the Middle East and Asia by promoting the United States as an anti-communism country and offering help to other countries that were also against communism. President Truman used the word containment to describe this act of stopping communism in his foreign policies. This containment policy transcended to the 1960s, when John F. Kennedy and his successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, were presidents. Kennedy won his presidency based largely on the fact that he promised to be more involvement in Vietnam (which was favored largely by the United States population) and the Cold War in general. Kennedy wanted to be more involved in Vietnam, and the Cold War in general, to preserve America’s power. With Kennedy and his team of U.S. Foreign Policy advisors, they believed to preserve America’s power they could help the development of Third World countries—mostly, in turn so they will not become communist countries. One of these countries so happened to be Laos, however, it soon fell to communism and Kennedy had to pull back forces. With the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion and the back down in Laos, Kennedy believed that America could not withstand another failure; another hit that would diminish America’s integrity. This is what led to Kennedy’s involvement in Vietnam—for he could not take another defeat of it. Kennedy offered a huge amount of support for the Ngo Dinh Diem’s Government. However, Kennedy rejected continuous proposals on sending large amounts of American troops into Vietnam in fear of a full out war and a huge rate of deployment. Instead, Kennedy ... ...t about 2 billion dollars a month, leading America to experience deficits and inflation. Because of this de-valued U.S. currency, it lead foreign investors to invest in things more profitable—taking away a lot of America’s revenue. This lead to extremely higher tax rates, which also, threaten Johnson’s reelection. There were protests in the streets, angry civilians, too many soldiers overseas, and chaos among congress, that led to Johnson’s downfall. America was an absolute turmoil, and because Johnson relied too heavily on his advisors—which often had many different opinions—he did not know how to control the chaos. When reelection time came around, Richard M. Nixon won in a landslide with the promise of ending war in Vietnam. By 1969, Nixon had instituted Vietnamization. This policy ended America’s involvement in the war and lead to a more stable America.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Enternal and Parenteral Nutrition in the Critical Care Setting Essay

Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition in the Critical Care Setting Management of patient nutrition has long been a topic of controversy. Questing of timing, route of administration and composition of feeding solution constituents are several variables that share a lack of consensus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is a 50% rate of malnutrition cited in hospitalized patients.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many states associated with critical care admissions have altered metabolic rates. Some examples of increased catabolism are multiple injury trauma, sepsis, organ failure (CHF, ARF, RF), and ventilator dependent status. It is important to assess for a history of such hyper- or altered metabolic states like Diabetes Melitus, Alcoholism, Renal Failure, and COPD.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Over feeding is associated with: immunosuppression, hyperglycemia, liver dysfunction and refeeding syndrome. Enteral  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No associated immune suppression, no associated infection complications, easier to maintain electrolyte balance. Parenteral  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Immune suppression (the converse is also true- malnutrition also causes immune suppression), fatty liver, potential for pneumothorax, line infections, loss of gut barrier, hyperosmolality, refeeding syndrome Feeding tubes – great option, if the gut works, use it. Prealbumin (2-3 day t1/2) Transferrin (8-10 day t1/2) Albumin (14-20 day t1/2) Nitrogen balance studies can aid in the clinica...

Amnesia: Who Are You Anyway? Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Amnesia: Who Are You Anyway? "Should the soul of a prince, carrying with it the consciousness of the prince's past life, enter and inform the body of a cobbler, as soon as deserted by his own soul, every one sees he would be the same person with the prince, accountable only for the prince's actions: but who would say it was the same man?" --"Of Identity and Diversity", John Locke "Where am I? How did I get here?" "You were in a car accident last night. You're in the hospital, but you will be fine" "Accident? What accident? And who are you?" "Don't you know who I am? I'm your little sister." Sound familiar? How about another scenario? "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client has been under the influence of some form of memory loss at the time of the murder. Studies and tests have proved that this is the case. Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, can we imprison a man for committing a crime for which he has no knowledge of recollecting?" These two scenarios depict typical instances of patients with amnesia or at least claim to have amnesia. Amnesia means a loss of memory from a failure of some part of the memory system (1). It is defined as a special case of forgetting, since the loss of memory is greater than expected under ordinary circumstances (2). In severe cases of amnesia, memory loss can result from a two-sided or bilateral (both hemispheres) damage to parts of the brain vital for memory storage, processing, or recall. These parts involve the limbic system, which includes of the hippocampus in the medial temporal lobe of the brain) (1). The hippocampus encodes memory for events and episodes. Memories, either short term or long term, are not stored in the hippocampus. But instead, information gets pro... ...duced Blandness... 4)TRAUMATIC AMNESIA, REPRESSION, AND HIPPOCAMPUS INJURY DUE TO EMOTIONAL STRESS, CORTICOSTEROIDS AND ENKEPHALINS http://www.brain/ 5)Amnesia 6)Amnesia 7)Memory Impairment: The Amnesia, COMMENTS ABOUT IT 8)Amnesia 9)Briefing Notes: Amnesia 10)Children with amnesia cast new light on memory and learning 11)" Perry, John. Personal Identity. "John Locke: Of Identity and Diversity." University of California Press: Los Angeles, 1975. "

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nutrition and Stronger Workouts

In today’s society it seems that everyone wants to loose weight and see immediate results. The trend of using dietary supplements increases constantly because of this factor. The market for these supplements is skyrocketing every year as the demand for the so-called miracle pills continues to grow. Much research has been done on many of these drugs and has proven that many are not all as great as they are advertised on television or in magazines. The truth is many contain dangerous ingredients that lead to severe side effects and can even cause death. They prove to be more harmful than healthy. This is why before ever deciding to by any type of dietary supplement, it is crucial to examine every ingredient and know what exactly each one is to see if it is dangerous or safe to ingest. One dietary supplement that seems to be popular at the moment is Hydroxycut. It is supposed to promote fat and weight loss, increased energy and stronger workouts, increased metabolism, and decreased appetite (Hydroxycut Side Effects and Hydroxycut Benefits 1). These added benefits do not come without a price though. There are many severe side effects that can result from using Hydroxycut. Some may include increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, headaches, light-headedness, and dizziness. Others are loss of appetite, feel restless and hyper active, nose bleeds, blurred vision, and outbreak of acne (1). It seems there are more side effects than benefits. It is up to the individual to decide how much pain it is worth going through just to lose a few pounds. Hydroxycut is composed of both healthful and harmful ingredients. It is based on something known as the ECA stack, which consists of ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin (Hydroxycut Information 1). Ephedrine, as most know, has received much negative attention over the past few months. It is derived from the plants of the genus

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Realities of Slavery and the Black Movement as Reflected in August Wilson’s Joe Turner’s Come and Gone

August Wilson is a great playwright and this can be proved by his numerous plays. However, more than being a great playwright, August Wilson is a great man who had the capability to make the world see the reality behind the African slavery. In this paper, one of August Wilson's play will be analyzed through the historical context of which the slavery is involved. Joe Turner's Come and Gone is a very gripping play which shows the drama and the reality of life at the same time — which is sometimes what literature should be all about or what literature is trying to depict. Literature has been known to record and to serve as a witness to the various dramatic and historical events of life. The notion of whether literature is actually a record in itself can be also true since authors, novelist, and poets alike have been either inspired by the events that are happening around them or want to record the harsh realities and brutalities brought by Man and by Nature and to Man and to Nature. Thus, it is not questionable why literature has made so much impact in the lives of many people — as it enables them to be inspired by what they read or what they are seeing. Sometimes, literature is still able to reflect the whole being of a person or as a mirror to a whole nation's dreams and ambitions. August Wilson was able to do both — his poems and plays are able to reflect his personality while at the same time showing the rest of the world the realities of the harsh slavery brought to African-Americans. The most wonderful thing about August Wilson is the fact that the actual slavery or the actual moments of brutalities are left to the imagination of the readers or viewers — what the audience is looking into are the after-effects of slavery and discrimination. The actual scenes are not present in the play — what is present is the psychological state of the characters as they set about living in their respective environments? What is more is that the actual environment of the play is in itself a character. This is the case in August Wilson's play, Joe Turner's Come and Gone. A Brief Overview of Joe Turner's Come and Gone The play in its entirety is very enthralling both in its complexity and simplicity. It seems that there is no one central and main character — that the audience is to decide who the real protagonist and antagonist are in the play is the cause of the complexity. Not realizing that it was one person all throughout as it would be only revealed at the actual end or culmination of the play is what makes it actually simple. Joe Turner's Come and Gone begins in the small town of Pittsburgh's Hill which is actually the place of birth of August Wilson. This is very significant as the area contains a very rich and diverse racial background which contributes to the formation of the personality of the playwright as well as the personalities (or their lack of) of the characters of his play. Nonetheless, the play concentrates on the race of the African-Americans and the aftermath of the slavery they experienced. It opens with a couple by the name of Seth and Bertha Holly who are arguing over a strange man by the name of Bynum Walker. Bynum is a traditional African man who still practices the customs and thus earning the spite of Seth since Bynum kills the pigeons for his rituals. Seth owns a rental place wherein visitors can rent rooms, and Bynum is one of those renters. The play progresses with the coming of Herald Loomis and his daughter and Zonia who are in search of Martha, Herald's wife, and Zonia's mother. Martha supposedly left when Joe Turner, a brutal and notorious man, got to Herald Loomis and enslaved him. The arrival of Herald becomes the catalyst as the turn of events happens. There are other characters in the play as well, but Herald and his story are what is the most important. Seth initially does not trust Herald, but later on learns that Herald is actually unable to do things normally like talking, relating, and forming relationships with people because of what happened to him in the past. As the play progresses, the audience or readers soon discover that Herald once served Joe Turner — a very ruthless man who enslaves Africans or African-Americans. Because of this, Herald lost his personality as a character and his love patriotism for his culture and country. In fact, during one Bynum's rituals, the renters of Seth gather and together sing the juba. Herald gets enraged by this, and it is in this scene that Bynum informs him that Herald has lost his song. Of course, this has extreme significance as the Africans are very talented people and would perform many songs and dances in their rituals and traditions. Thus, if Herald loses his song, then it could just mean that he has lost his heritage, and this is most likely due to what Joe Turner has done to him. Later on, Martha, Herald's wife, returns and begs him to welcome Jesus since it is through Jesus that Herald would be able to forgive, live, and find his missing song. However, Heralds becomes angry at this and lashes out that no Jesus or god has come to his aid when he needed a Jesus or a god. In Herald's anger, he hurts himself and bleeds. With this furious act of intentionally hurting himself, Herald announces that he has freed himself and finally finds his own song. He leaves the rental place and the people behind, and thus, the play ends. The Man Behind the Play In Mary Bogumil's book entitled Understanding August Wilson, we are given a brief account of August Wilson's past as well as the things that have inspired him. Most important to mention is his participation in the Black Movement. In fact, his plays serve as a proof to this. August Wilson's ten plays which symbolize the ten decades of the slavery brought to Africans and African-Americans are full of suffering, pain as well as redemption of the characters. The Black Movement can be considered as the fight of the African-Americans for equality and moreover is for respect. It is a well known fact that they have suffered tremendously when it comes to slavery and discrimination. The time of the early 90's has been times of misery for them but they have endured greatly. A person can only imagine what could have happened even before that. One great and terrible account is the famous Middle Passage. According to the Resource Bank, the Middle Passage was considered as one of the most terrible things that happened to the Africans. They were treated as commodity and were forcefully brought to the shores of the West to become as slaves. From the moment that they were bought by the English or by the Americans, the start of their turmoil began. As they travel to the West they are deprived of basic rights such as sleeping quarters, sufficient food and water and care. In fact, during the Middle Passage, a lot of Africans died due to sickness. Many would attempt to starve themselves so they would not endure the hardships anymore. However, the English or Americans (depending on who bought them) would force them to eat as they want slaves who would serve them or slaves whom they can sell. This continued for many years, thus the connotation that Africans were inferior or low-lifes started as they were transported as slaves. Once they reach the shores of the West, more suffering awaits them as they are poorly treated by the White Americans or the English. This occurrence could have been one of things which have awakened August Wilson to the unjust treatment of the white people to the Africans or African-American. As the mother of August Wilson is an African, it is natural that she would have history or know the real story of what happened to Africans. Because of this August Wilson became an active advocate and pioneer for the rights and for the fight of the African nation. However, this fight would be long and enduring as the Africans or African-Americans would suffer and be miserable in the hands of the white people for many years. In fact, even in the modern times that society experiences today, there are still many African-Americans, even Hispanics and Asians who suffer discrimination tremendously. Considering the fact that President Barrack Obama has won, there is still a tantamount of discrimination experienced by many people. The Beliefs and Principles of the â€Å"People's Playwright† as Reflected in the Play As such, it is only natural that August Wilson — who was dubbed as the â€Å"People's Playwright† by James Keller would naturally be inspired by his heritage and what other races has done to his people. He is dubbed as the â€Å"people's playwright† not because he is very famous for his numerous plays but because his plays served as the eyes, ears, and voices of the people. What he has done is to say what the people are feeling, to makes others feel what they have felt and most of all, to make others people see that there was injustice done which has been imprinted into the hearts and souls of the African race. When Kim Pereira wrote a book about August Wilson is in a voyage or in an odyssey because of the plays that he wrote, it is both true and false. August Wilson did went to a voyage to discover his roots but most of all, the voyage he has were together with other people of the African race who have felt and experienced what he has written about. Conclusion The greatest thing about August Wilson and the play is the fact that the play in itself is a declaration that he is proud of his African heritage, even if he had to go to a voyage just to find it. This voyage or journey of August Wilson is by no means an actual adventure. This voyage is more historical, mental, psychological and personal all at the same time. August Wilson had to reconnect with the actual events that have happened in the past so the characters can have their own personality and history. However, more than bringing color and personality to his character, August Wilson is making means for them to find their own voices which was the whole point of the play as it is the climactic and dramatic theme of the whole work. That the character of Herald Loomis is unable to have any character at all is what the whole play was driving at. As according to Bynum Walker, Herald has lost his â€Å"song† (Wilson, p. 73) which could also translate to a person's being. In fact, Herald was so affected by what has happened to him that he cannot function normally. In conclusion, the play does indeed show August Wilson's belief and principles in an implicit way — one has to only look at the character of Herald Loomis and realize that more than finding his own personal song, he symbolizes the unearthing of the African's yearning for freedom, redemption, forgiveness, and most of all—acceptance.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Like a Winding Sheet

Ann Petry’s â€Å"Like a Winding Sheet â€Å"defines a pivoting time line in history even though it is a fictional short story. This story took place in 1946 in the time when all the men would be at war and the women would be in factories making all the weapons and equipments that they would need. The women were the focal point in that era because they ensured that the men overseas were well equipped to be at war. The story was set in the summer of ’46 and had numerous place settings in which the conflict took place.The main characters of the story are Mr. Johnson and his wife Mae. Mr. Johnson’s love and fondness for his wife was a true testimony in this story. It also brought about the mere fact of racism and a man’s own conscience and mind playing tricks on him. LIKE A WINDING SHEET Like a Winding Sheet, written by Ann Petry in 1945, is a story that begins with a black man's tough day at work, but takes a twisted turn. Johnson comes home after a hard d ay planning to kick his feet up and enjoy a relaxing evening at home with his wife, Mae.The bad sense of humour Mae possesses begins to send Johnson over the edge and suddenly, something in him snaps. Johnson brutally beats his wife, quite possibly killing her. This story is very shocking, exposing to us a reality of our society, racism. In this essay I will try to show you that racism, specially in the United-States, can be a source for an imprisonment feeling for individuals, in this case, the bl In Ann Petry’s 1945 short story â€Å"Like a Winding Sheet,†. Johnson is a black male struggling with racism and societal pressures. Johnson faces many challenges.As one reads, one cannot help but feel his anger, frustration and tenseness. Petry tells it in the following way, â€Å"The knowledge that he had struck her seeped through him slowly and he was appalled but he couldn’t drag his hands away from her face. † Petry goes on further to tell us, â€Å"He ha d lost all control over his hands. † This rage Johnson is experiencing is described as a â€Å"winding sheet†. Johnson’s everyday routine causes anger and frustration to build up inside him. Get up, go to work and come home; get up, go to work and come home. †¦ are reserved to white people.She sends him an indirect message saying to him that because he is black he does not have the right to enjoy a coffee. This is a prejudice to his liberty and to human equality in general. Again, he cannot do anything about these problems. That day was like any other for John. He was oppressed and disrespected all day and had to take it all in without a word. This pressure might not have shown many effect in the story but the simple fact that John tightens up his knuckles at each of these stressing events shows us that all the anger he feels is kept inside him. Like a Winding Sheet Ann Petry’s â€Å"Like a Winding Sheet â€Å"defines a pivoting time line in history even though it is a fictional short story. This story took place in 1946 in the time when all the men would be at war and the women would be in factories making all the weapons and equipments that they would need. The women were the focal point in that era because they ensured that the men overseas were well equipped to be at war. The story was set in the summer of ’46 and had numerous place settings in which the conflict took place.The main characters of the story are Mr. Johnson and his wife Mae. Mr. Johnson’s love and fondness for his wife was a true testimony in this story. It also brought about the mere fact of racism and a man’s own conscience and mind playing tricks on him. LIKE A WINDING SHEET Like a Winding Sheet, written by Ann Petry in 1945, is a story that begins with a black man's tough day at work, but takes a twisted turn. Johnson comes home after a hard d ay planning to kick his feet up and enjoy a relaxing evening at home with his wife, Mae.The bad sense of humour Mae possesses begins to send Johnson over the edge and suddenly, something in him snaps. Johnson brutally beats his wife, quite possibly killing her. This story is very shocking, exposing to us a reality of our society, racism. In this essay I will try to show you that racism, specially in the United-States, can be a source for an imprisonment feeling for individuals, in this case, the bl In Ann Petry’s 1945 short story â€Å"Like a Winding Sheet,†. Johnson is a black male struggling with racism and societal pressures. Johnson faces many challenges.As one reads, one cannot help but feel his anger, frustration and tenseness. Petry tells it in the following way, â€Å"The knowledge that he had struck her seeped through him slowly and he was appalled but he couldn’t drag his hands away from her face. † Petry goes on further to tell us, â€Å"He ha d lost all control over his hands. † This rage Johnson is experiencing is described as a â€Å"winding sheet†. Johnson’s everyday routine causes anger and frustration to build up inside him. Get up, go to work and come home; get up, go to work and come home. †¦ are reserved to white people.She sends him an indirect message saying to him that because he is black he does not have the right to enjoy a coffee. This is a prejudice to his liberty and to human equality in general. Again, he cannot do anything about these problems. That day was like any other for John. He was oppressed and disrespected all day and had to take it all in without a word. This pressure might not have shown many effect in the story but the simple fact that John tightens up his knuckles at each of these stressing events shows us that all the anger he feels is kept inside him.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Candide Essay

Candide Essay Voltaire uses literary techniques such as satire and critique to demonstrate the cruelty and folly of humanity. He focuses on serious topics that include sexism, and reduces it to absurdity so that it is comical to the audience. Despite the fact that Voltaire constantly over- exaggerates this subject, he does not trying to reinforce them. Some might say Voltaire portrays women as objects of desire and is capitalizing on the subject but to get his point across using satire, some people will have to get offended.In Candide, Voltaire is critiquing and satirizing sexism. An example of how sexism and rape were satirized and critiqued in chapter 11 on pg 40 â€Å"I was beauty and grace itself, and I was a virgin. I was not so for long; that flower that had been reserved for the handsome Prince of Massa-Carrara was ravished from me by the pirate captain. Indeed My Lady the Princess of Palastrina and I had to be very strong to endure all we underwent until we arrived in Morocc o. But let’s get on; these things are so common that they are not worth speaking of. † Rape is a very sensitive subject.The old woman talked about the incident in a nonchalant tone and said that it was so common that it was not worth talking about. Voltaire did this to satirize what were becoming society’s â€Å"normal† views on such brutal acts. He was letting us know that rape was such a frequent thing in the time period in which he lived, that it was being viewed by society as â€Å"normal â€Å". In order to understand the book properly, it is important to recognize that Voltaire was attempting to portray the problems within society such as sexism, by using satire to help the people this era realize what they were doing was wrong.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Graduation speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Graduation speech - Essay Example It is indeed unavoidable and pleasing to see how we all gained skills over that period we were in school. I invite you to look back to our first day in campus: we were the same but distinct; we were shorter, young and probably uncertain about ourselves. Similar to almost everyone, I arrived at this university anxious and wide-eyed. I also felt endangered by fittings on the compass with loud voices and opinions, and wondered I would cope and survive. As we look back this day on a journey, a journey that commenced with tentative and hesitant steps, we just observe how far we all have advanced. It was a privilege to be part of this journey and this institution. To my wonderful tutors, I would like to salute each and every one of you. You all guided, shaped and molded not only me, but also all the ladies and gentlemen standing here today. Your role has been immensely contributory in molding us. Though your painstaking efforts may waste away or be forgotten. We will always recall all of you for helping us, caring for us, and making us feel special and appreciated for all the time you spend teaching us. It is the excellent coaching styles that have assisted us to enormously accomplish our journey at the University. Indeed, school would have been challenging. I am undeniably grateful for your advice, guidance, and tutelage. I greatly appreciate your generosity and commitment with your time to help me with my studies and projects. I am grateful for believing in me and allowing me to continue believing in myself. I hope to emulate the goodwill and kindness that you all have shown us in our journey through the university. To my beloved husband and family, I am here as a testimony of your love, reassurance and support. You held my hand and supported me through my decisions to complete my undergraduate studies. Surely, I would not have lived to see this day without your support and flexibility. Your support during this

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Microfinance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Microfinance - Essay Example regular banks, in most cases because they are unable to offer sufficient collateral.† (Gert van Maanen, 2) There are two schools of thought regarding the entire industry of Microfinance: the first advocates non-profit lending, while the other takes the opposite view- that for-profit. In this regard, this essay is written to present arguments that profit microfinance institutions (MFIs) are better off by pursuing profits making them more sustainable than non-profit MFIs. This paper will argue that by microfinance institutions (MFIs) pursuing their own interest (profits) this is the only way to be sustainable & will lead to more outreach & more the greater good for all impoverished people despite the fact MFIs are for-profit. Years of research indicate that for-profit MFIs are more sustainable than non-profit microfinance institutions because they have higher growth rates, access to a larger pool of funding and are much more profitable. According to Global Microfinance Forum (1), â€Å"profit-maximizing MFIs run just as normal businesses do, making enough profit to fund themselves and benefit owners and investors.† For-profit MFI’s pursue profits because they are market driven. They could rely on donor funds in their initial stages, but unlike non-profit MFI’s, they specifically stipulate that their goal is to be financially self-sufficient—the ability to rely on themselves financially from within the institution. Hence, by gaining profits they want to grow, expand the number of institutions; lower all possible costs and ultimately reach the most amounts of people possible. By relying on themselves, for-profit MFIs are sustainable. The opportunities for profit MFIs are greater in terms of availability and accessibility for investor capital. In addition, with their own sources of funds, potentials for expanding their target market are vast. Supporters for nonprofit MFIs stipulate that these institutions solicit funds from donors, grants, government